URBAN WALLPAPER Torn and distressed posters from around the world...
American Rhetoric: Extensive multimedia site on rhetorical devices used for persuasive purposes in an American historical context. Check out the rhetoric for events surrounding September 11, 2001. http://americanrhetoric.com/
Hidden Agendas: The Films and Writing of John Pilger: The website of British journalist John Pilger reports on political controversies in the UK that rarely see the light of day in mainstream news reporting. http://pilger.carlton.com/
The Noam Chomsky Archive: This archive is hosted by ZNet, the web site of Z Magazine. It contains the full text to many of Chomsky's major works, the complete audio to several important lectures, and numerous articles, interviews and speeches. http://www.zmag.org/chomsky/index.cfm
Review of Weapons of Mass Deception: The Uses of Propaganda in Bush's War on Iraq: World-Information.org reviews Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber's commentary on the disinformation campaign used by the Bush administration to justify its war on Iraq in 2003. Timely and well-researched. See also PR Watch. http://world-information.org/wio/readme/992003309/1057068430
Nazi and East German Propaganda Guide Page: The German Propaganda Archive includes both propaganda itself and material produced for the guidance of propagandists. http://www.calvin.edu/academic/cas/gpa/
Propaganda Postcards of the Great War: The site features a collection of war-themed postal cards produced during World War 1 (1914 - 1919). More than 2,500 cards will eventually be displayed in an organized fashion. http://www.ww1-propaganda-cards.com/
Stefan Landsberger's Chinese Propaganda Poster Pages: This site is dedicated to the Chinese propaganda poster as it has been produced from 1949 till the present day. http://www.iisg.nl/~landsberger/
The Chairman Smiles: Posters from the former Soviet Union, Cuba and China: The International Institute of Social History in Amsterdam has amassed a large collection of striking propaganda posters from Communist countries, and made them available in this exceptional online archive. From Chairman Mao to Che Guevara, these colorful, detailed and distinct works provide a first-hand view of the images that inspired the enemies of capitalism. http://www.iisg.nl/exhibitions/chairman/
CIA Manual on "Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare": This manual, prepared by the CIA in the early 1980s to guide Nicaragua's contra rebels, explains the methods of "armed propaganda." The manual advises insurgents to blend terror and intimidation tactics with nonviolent persuasion efforts. http://www.parascope.com/ds/1096/psyops.htm
Clandestine Radio Intelligence: Enter the world of clandestine radio -- the hidden hand in international psywar. This comprehensive list of covert stations, maintained by Nick Grace, offers helpful summary information and links to the political groups that back these broadcasts. http://www.clandestineradio.com/
Counterinsurgency Comics: Dossier investigates the case of the counterinsurgency comic distributed by U.S. forces in South Vietnam. Part of the infamous Phoenix Program, the comic is a prime example of how military psychological operations are used to suppress a rebellious population. http://www.parascope.com/articles/0497/phoenix.htm
Cuban Poster Art: over 100 posters, along with news of historic collaboration between UC Berkeley Library and the Biblioteca Nacional Jose Marti. Cuba has a long tradition of producing unique and powerful posters. Ater the revolution in 1959, posters took on a vital social role in promoting the wide range of issues facing a small country struggling for self-determination and identity. Three agencies emerged as the primary producers of an enormous output of visual material - OSPAAAL, the Organization in Solidarity with the People of Asia, Africa, and Latin America; ICAIC, the Cuban film industry, and Editora Politica, which was the publishing department of the Cuban Communist Party. http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/~lcushing/CubaGen.html
The Fact Check: With aim to apply the best practices of both journalism and scholarship, and to increase public knowledge and understanding, Fact check monitors the factual accuracy of claims by major U.S. political players in TV ads, debates, speeches, interviews, and news releases. http://www.factcheck.org/
Fair and Accuracy in News Reporting: US media watch group critiquing media bias and censorship. http://www.fair.org/
Independent Media Centre: Indymedia is a collective of independent media organizations and hundreds of journalists offering grassroots, non-corporate coverage. http://www.indymedia.org/en/index.shtml
The Mao Cult: Stephan Landsberger's collection of propaganda posters used by the Chinese Communist Party to deify Chairman Mao and promote his campaigns. http://www.iisg.nl/~landsberger/cult.html
Your Media:A gathering place and a rallying point for those who cherish Freedom of Expression. Acting individually or together, we can expose unethical media owners who use their considerable powers to further their personal or corporate interests. http://www.yourmedia.ca/
Propaganda Analysis Home Page: This web-site discusses various propaganda techniques, provides contemporary examples of their use, and proposes strategies of mental self-defense.http://www.propagandacritic.com/
The Propaganda Page: Charting the thin line between information and disinformation, the Propaganda Page examines the leaflets, posters, and radio wars. It provides a large list of online resources for the "propaganda-savvy cybercitizen." http://www.parascope.com/articles/0797/propaganda.htm
North Korea's Official News Site: Even reclusive North Korea has joined the Internet fray. Here you can view photos of various "dear leaders" and their birthplaces, and read some of the angriest, accusatory "news" produced anywhere. http://www.kcna.co.jp/
Propaganda Leaflets of the Second World War: This site catalogues some of the more unique "paper bullets" that were dropped on enemy populations during World War II, and includes special collections of cartoons leaflets and leaflets portraying women. http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/4503/index.html
The Propagander: This site has over 600 graphics including many propaganda posters, propaganda comics and other various types of propaganda. The life of Adolf Hitler is explored in some selective detail as his mastery of ALL forms of propaganda was unsurpassed in modern times. http://members.tripod.com/~Propagander/
Psywar Terror Tactics: Fear is a weapon -- the propaganda of intimidation has a long been practiced by U.S. military and intelligence agencies. Witness the leaflets that warned of bombs from above and gruesome death on the ground. http://www.parascope.com/ds/1096/psy.htm
Radio Havana: The tiny nation of Cuba, long targeted with hostile radio broadcasts, has an ambitious international broadcasting program of its own. At Radio Havana's official site you can check broadcast schedules and read transcripts of sample programs. http://www.radiohc.org/
The Radio Propaganda Page: Part of the astounding audio archive maintained by J.C. Kaelin of EarthStation1, this page presents audio files of some of the most notorious radio propaganda in history. Hear the voices of "Axis Sally" and "Tokyo Rose."http://www.earthstation1.com/Merchant/merchant.mv
Reverend Billy's Church of Stop Shopping: Last time we looked, the Reverend was promoting against Starbucks Coffee. http://revbilly.com/index.php
Squidboot: This site is a communication channel, and independent knowledge base a la Adbusters that provides analysis and an introduction to memes-of-speculation - in the form of essays, diagrams, music, and culture jamming techniques. http://www.squidboot.com/index.html
Supernatural Psywar in the Congo: In 1964, the Defense Department commissioned a startling study of the role of magic and counter-magic in the Congo rebellion. Dossier investigates the case of the witchcraft warriors. http://www.parascope.com/articles/0297/congo.htm
Zichronam l'Vracha: "May Their Memories be a Blessing.": This site was developed for the purpose of educating the public about the Holocaust. From the greek "Fire which consumes all that lives," the Holocaust was a deliberately orchestrated extermination of the Jewish people, as well as the handicapped, Roma (Gypsies), political prisoners, and Communists. Good archival research. http://www.thinkquest.org/library/site_sum.html?tname=12307&url=12307/index.html